Hold your tears : the most depressing game of the year will torture your mind
A depressing narrative horror game launches today on Steam and itch.io
Friday, September 17th, 2021 – Erupting Avocado publish today their very personal project The Repairing Mantis. The launch marks the first release from the independant studio. The disturbing experience is available now on Steam and itch.io with a 10% discount.
“We made a world where life makes absolutely no sense, and it’s strangely relatable.” said The Repairing Mantis creator Jonathan Guertin.
Watch the trailer :
About The Repairing Mantis
The Repairing Mantis is a narrative horror game where players experience the violent nightmare of an insect. A praying mantis explores an eerie island, meets animals, collects dreams, and makes impactful decisions. The dark tale features a surreal universe : a squirrel tries to fly, an alligator is going through an existential crisis, a mantis repairs a bridge made of flesh.
Key features :
– Play as a praying mantis
– Exploration game with casual mechanics
– Interactive story with 2 different endings
– Disturbing, violent, and poetic story
– Meet depressing squirrels
– Playtime of about 1h

About Erupting Avocado
The indie game studio creates dark, twisted and poetic horror tales. Players are invited to engage in a profoundly disturbing and poetic experience that will haunt them long after they think they’re done playing.
Jonathan and François are longtime friends. François wanted to create things that reflected his personality. Jonathan wanted to create video games, so they paired together and formed Erupting Avocado in october 2017. Their studio is based in Sherbrooke city, Québec, Canada.
Steam page : store.steampowered.com/app/1681480/The_Repairing_Mantis/
itch.io page : eruptingavocado.itch.io/the-repairing-mantis
The Repairing Mantis press kit : eruptingavocado.com/press/sheet.php?p=the_repairing_mantis
Studio press kit : eruptingavocado.com/press/index.php?l=en
Source :
Jonathan Guertin
Co-founder of Erupting Avocado